Out the extra word - IT Новости

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Out the extra word

Английский язык. 6 класс


Choose the correct answer.

1. Did you this lost property office?

2. Did he his journey?

3. Natali at this airport?

4. Did they their luggage?

5. Did she her lost things?


Complete the dialogue with the appropriate words.

— Hello! Is this the Lost Property ?

— Yes, you`re right, sir. What can I do for you?

— Well. My bag hasn’t and I don’t what I should do now.

— Please, calm down, sir. Where was your from?

— I have arrived from Moscow, .


Match the words and the pictures to find out where people often leave their luggage.


Match the occupations to the work places.

a lost property office

a lost property worker

Use of English

Do the crossword puzzle «Lost property».


Fill in the text with words from the list.

-I’m Sam. My is Brown.

— OK. May I have a look at your boarding pass and your luggage ticket, please?

— Sure. Here they are.

— Thank you. I need the of your suitcase. Could you tell me what it looks like?

— It’s small and it’s dark red.

— Is it all dark red? And the as well?

— Mmmm . I really can’t remember. I think the handle was made of grey plastic.

— All right. Anything else? Is the bag with trolley wheels?

— Oh, yes. It’s got two . There must be a white label on the bag with my surname.

— Yes, that’s all I suppose.


Let’s play a game! Find 5 words related to returning lost things.

Hfkjhug property jhufnbjhuh office uhdfjvnjh luggage

njghjfnjhghvg lost gygjjjim report hgytghbh


Put the words in the correct column: «Lost Property» and «Transport».

Lost Property



Put the words in the correct order.


Read the text and choose the correct answer.


Of the nearly 13,000 keys handed in to lost property last year, just under 1,400 – a «tiny fraction». Overall, 20% of stock is claimed within three months; after that time, stock passes into TfL’s possession – and it’s not necessarily the items you’d expect.

A wander through the three basement floors that make up the lost property office gives a revealing insight into what we value enough to recover – and what we’re content to let go.

How many lost items are returned to their owners per year?


Complete the sentences. Type in the missing verbs.

1. he lose his luggage at the airport or in the bus?

2. that woman in the lost property office polite with you?

3. What d > after calling the lost property office?


Cross out the extra word.

1 . lost , the property , an office , sport

2 . a document , a wallet , the glasses , a corner

3 . to lost , to ski , to report , to look for

4 . a scarf , a glass , the keys , a passport


Complete the dialogue with missing words.

— Don’t worry, sir. I’m sure we’ll find it. Now you should wait a couple of minutes while I’m making some . Please, fill in this lost luggage form now.

— And please, be sure to write down your home address or the hotel address, and your telephone number.

— Well, it’s just in case if we aren’t able to find your bag right now. So when it finally arrives we’ll it to your address.

— Thank you so much. Please, do your best. Hope to get my back soon.

— We’re really sorry about this , Mr. Smith.

Контрольная работа по английскому языку 8 класс

Как организовать дистанционное обучение во время карантина?

Помогает проект «Инфоурок»

Контрольная работа по английскому языку 8 класс I четверть

(учебник New Millennium English )

Choose a word to fill the gap.

A teenager’s brain grows…. (quick/quickly)

If you exercise your brain … you will be able to do many tasks better. (regular/regularly)

Do you play computer games …? (good/well)

Why did you behave so… in the lesson (bad/badly)

I felt … when my parents bought me a computer. (happy/happily)

Teenagers like listening to …. music (loud/loudly)

My friend speaks English … (fast/fastly)

This is the most … computer game I’ve ever played. (interesting/interestingly)

We went to the holyday camp on a vary … train. (slow)

If you want to go scuba diving, do it very … (careful/carefully)

Choose the best word or phrase to complete the sentences.

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I bought these trainers in the sales

discount b) bargain c) purchase d) cheap

this suit doesn’t … me. It’s too big.

match b) suit c) fit d) go

I don’t spend all the pocket money I get. I’m trying to … for a new bike.

buy b) save c) spend d) economy

If you work in China, you will be paid in local …

Way b) notes c) cash d) currency

This hat doesn’t … my new coat.

go to b) get with c) go with d) get to

Read the text and cross out the extra word (maximum one per line).

Some of the lines are correct.

If a line is correct put the tick (˅)

The first 2 lines are done for you.

Microchips are usually found in the computers but

some children have them in their arms so

that their parents can to find them quickly

if they have disappear.

Yes. Parents want their children to be

safe. Many children feel scare because of

news stories about child murders. Children

feel safer because of their parents always know where they are.

No. a child murders don’t happen very

often. Many more children die in road

accidents in each year. It’s better to teach children about the possible dangers of

talking to strangers then to treat them like robots or the pets.

Complete the sentences with the appropriate questions tags.

He bought this car this year, … ?

This jacket doesn’t suit me, …?

We haven’t mat his friend before ,…?

They can speak English in this shop, …?

They had really nice time in France, …?

Mary’s got blach hair, … ?

Fill in the gaps in the sentences with the phrases from the box.

I went to a new supermarket yesterday… everything I needed for the party.

Pete hates shopping but he offered to go with me… help me choose a present for my mother.

I decided wait for a sale at the central department store… to look foe a bargain.

I need a new jacket … my new jeans.

Sara decided to go to town by car… carry heavy bags back home.

Дистанционный конкурс «Стоп коронавирус»

  • Строц Юлия ИгоревнаНаписать 479 21.10.2018

Номер материала: ДБ-163403

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Все материалы, размещенные на сайте, созданы авторами сайта либо размещены пользователями сайта и представлены на сайте исключительно для ознакомления. Авторские права на материалы принадлежат их законным авторам. Частичное или полное копирование материалов сайта без письменного разрешения администрации сайта запрещено! Мнение редакции может не совпадать с точкой зрения авторов.

Ответственность за разрешение любых спорных моментов, касающихся самих материалов и их содержания, берут на себя пользователи, разместившие материал на сайте. Однако редакция сайта готова оказать всяческую поддержку в решении любых вопросов связанных с работой и содержанием сайта. Если Вы заметили, что на данном сайте незаконно используются материалы, сообщите об этом администрации сайта через форму обратной связи.

Контрольная работа по английскому языку 8 класс

Как организовать дистанционное обучение во время карантина?

Помогает проект «Инфоурок»

Контрольная работа по английскому языку 8 класс I четверть

(учебник New Millennium English )

Choose a word to fill the gap.

A teenager’s brain grows…. (quick/quickly)

If you exercise your brain … you will be able to do many tasks better. (regular/regularly)

Do you play computer games …? (good/well)

Why did you behave so… in the lesson (bad/badly)

I felt … when my parents bought me a computer. (happy/happily)

Teenagers like listening to …. music (loud/loudly)

My friend speaks English … (fast/fastly)

This is the most … computer game I’ve ever played. (interesting/interestingly)

We went to the holyday camp on a vary … train. (slow)

If you want to go scuba diving, do it very … (careful/carefully)

Choose the best word or phrase to complete the sentences.

I bought these trainers in the sales

discount b) bargain c) purchase d) cheap

this suit doesn’t … me. It’s too big.

match b) suit c) fit d) go

I don’t spend all the pocket money I get. I’m trying to … for a new bike.

buy b) save c) spend d) economy

Читать еще:  Программа microsoft word не работает

If you work in China, you will be paid in local …

Way b) notes c) cash d) currency

This hat doesn’t … my new coat.

go to b) get with c) go with d) get to

Read the text and cross out the extra word (maximum one per line).

Some of the lines are correct.

If a line is correct put the tick (˅)

The first 2 lines are done for you.

Microchips are usually found in the computers but

some children have them in their arms so

that their parents can to find them quickly

if they have disappear.

Yes. Parents want their children to be

safe. Many children feel scare because of

news stories about child murders. Children

feel safer because of their parents always know where they are.

No. a child murders don’t happen very

often. Many more children die in road

accidents in each year. It’s better to teach children about the possible dangers of

talking to strangers then to treat them like robots or the pets.

Complete the sentences with the appropriate questions tags.

He bought this car this year, … ?

This jacket doesn’t suit me, …?

We haven’t mat his friend before ,…?

They can speak English in this shop, …?

They had really nice time in France, …?

Mary’s got blach hair, … ?

Fill in the gaps in the sentences with the phrases from the box.

I went to a new supermarket yesterday… everything I needed for the party.

Pete hates shopping but he offered to go with me… help me choose a present for my mother.

I decided wait for a sale at the central department store… to look foe a bargain.

I need a new jacket … my new jeans.

Sara decided to go to town by car… carry heavy bags back home.

Дистанционный конкурс «Стоп коронавирус»

  • Строц Юлия ИгоревнаНаписать 480 21.10.2018

Номер материала: ДБ-163403

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    21.10.2018 196
    21.10.2018 282
    21.10.2018 139
    21.10.2018 108
    21.10.2018 94
    21.10.2018 79
    21.10.2018 87
    21.10.2018 196

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Все материалы, размещенные на сайте, созданы авторами сайта либо размещены пользователями сайта и представлены на сайте исключительно для ознакомления. Авторские права на материалы принадлежат их законным авторам. Частичное или полное копирование материалов сайта без письменного разрешения администрации сайта запрещено! Мнение редакции может не совпадать с точкой зрения авторов.

Ответственность за разрешение любых спорных моментов, касающихся самих материалов и их содержания, берут на себя пользователи, разместившие материал на сайте. Однако редакция сайта готова оказать всяческую поддержку в решении любых вопросов связанных с работой и содержанием сайта. Если Вы заметили, что на данном сайте незаконно используются материалы, сообщите об этом администрации сайта через форму обратной связи.

The answers

Archive for the ‘Extra word’ Category

Extra word, 13


56 death
57 heroically
58 pilgrimage
59 British
60 celebration
61 inspiration
62 reminder
63 partnership
64 industrial
65 development(s)

Extra word, 13


41 much
42 OK
43 he
44 native
45 The
46 has
47 down
48 OK
49 still
50 fully
51 there
52 all
53 OK
54 that
55 themselves

Extra word, 12


41 have
42 a
43 that
44 OK
45 OK
46 them
47 OK
48 our
49 OK
50 had
51 he
52 OK
53 of
54 be
55 it

Extra word, 11


41 they
42 OK
43 so
44 being
45 together
46 OK
47 some
48 did
49 has
50 up
51 like
52 OK
53 would
54 not
55 OK

Extra word, 10

There are two reasons why I had wanted to study in Paris. I wanted 0: OK

to be in a place which it was at the centre of Europe, close to it 00 it

other countries such as England and Germany. The other reason 41 OK

was that I had been found it very difficult to find a place to 42 been

study of medicine in my own country, where there were only 43 of

three medical schools. I had spent my last two school years at a 44 OK

boarding school, where I was made a lot of friends and learned 45 was

to look after myself. I was nineteen when I just left and I knew 46 just

that I could deal with a student life. First of all, I had to learn 47 a

the language of the country I would be living in there for quite 48 there

a while. I learnt with the language quickly because I stayed 49 with

with a family, which was a great deal help. I was expected to 50 deal

speak only their language and not mine. After that, I looked around 51 OK

for an apartment to rent. I found one very close to the university 52 OK

so I went on the foot every day. I was able to exercise a lot and 53 the

therefore be fit all year round. My studies went very much well 54 much

and I graduated at the top of the class with full honours. 55 OK

Extra word, 9

0 After four years of backbreaking training and also preparation, also

Читать еще:  Word forms in english

00 the Singapore Mt Everest Expedition Team is ready to mount the OK

41 summit of the world’s most highest peak in the next few weeks.

42 In 1953, the Sir John Hunt expedition has put two climbers on the

43 summit. But on this expedition, they mounted the summit through

44 the South Col route. The Singapore team will attempt to OK

45 retrace the exactly same route as they begin their ascent.

46 The idea is to climb Everest was first brought up in 1990.

47 The Singapore Mountaineering Federation, was being established

48 in 1993 and a permit for the climb was finally given in May 1994. OK

49 The Singapore Everest team, which comprises of eight

50 climbers and a support team, left for Katmandu in early OK

51 March: a relatively very young team with the average age of

52 members being at about 30 years old and whose members

53 come from all the walks of life. The journey will be gruelling

54 and members are fully aware of that they may not succeed,

55 or more worse, survive. Our hopes and prayers will follow them.

Extra word, 8


41 it
42 forward
43 such
44 of
45 that
46 OK
47 of
48 OK
49 some
50 OK
51 which
52 OK
53 from
54 OK
55 have

Extra word, 7


41 the
42 it
43 bits
45 of
46 be
47 been
48 OK
49 OK
50 who
51 OK
52 may
53 On
54 OK
55 as

Extra word, 6


Soon a rather low sound was being heard and the float plane 0 being

appeared, flying towards us. It landed gently on the lake, turned 00 OK

and then came slowly up along the landing stage. We loaded 41 OK

equipment while Jim was been talking with the pilot, wanting 42 been

to know how about the weather was ahead of us. The pilot said 43 about

that the conditions in the valley were all right at the moment for 44 OK

landing and taking it off, but that the weather was rapidly 45 it

getting more worse and we would have to get away as quickly as 46 more

possible. We all worked silently for quite a while, because of we 47 of

did not want to waste time. Finally the plane was being ready. 48 being

Jim he also boarded it so that there was one less person to take 49 he

on the next trip. The plane moved over the surface of the water 50 OK

and rose into the air. The plane carne back on the time and it was 51 the

Chris’ turn to go, with the rest of the film gear. Unless the plane 52 OK

was not back in time, we would be in trouble. The clouds 53 not

were getting so thicker and blacker. We began to be anxious 54 so

about our safety and whether the plane would be back to pick us up. 55 OK

Extra word, 5


41 OK
43 THE
45 UP
46 THE
47 OK
48 THE
49 OK
50 BE
51 SO
52 UP
53 ANY
54 OK

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